Dreams Require Faith and Action

Dreams Require Faith and Action

Dreams do come true. I know you’ve heard that before – but it’s true. I’ve seen dreams come true. My oldest daughter is 20 years old and for as long as I can remember, she has been talking about visiting New Zealand. When The Lord of the Rings Trilogy came out, her...

Why Use Facebook Groups?

Yesterday Facebook Groups got a little upgrade.  At the top you can now see photos of members, which click through to their personal profile. I played with Group Cover photos to add a little pop to the group, and I personally think it looks much better and it lets you...

Facebook Changes – Fast and Furious

Isn’t it fun to wake up and have everything turned upside down and inside out? Well, let’s see if we can clear up a few things. The New Facebook Newsfeed Page: When you first log in, you see your “top stories”. These are the stories Facebook thinks you are most...

Giving Thanks

Imagine how wonderful it would feel to receive a random thank you just for participating in the community. Here’s your homework starting next week: Make note of status updates throughout the week that resonate with you.  Maybe it’s a cool quote, a new...

Why Bother With Social Media?

The telephone has become such a common fixture in our society that we use it without giving it a second thought.  Be honest, have you ever said yourself, “I have no time to use the phone.”?  Email has become a similar commonality in our everyday lives.  Whether we...

A New WordPress Surprise

I am not new to WordPress.  I have been building client sites on the WordPress platform for a number of years.  Yet, every so often something surprises me. I have a client who uses the Featured Content Gallery on three sites.  To use the plug in, you need to use...