Why Bother With Social Media?

The telephone has become such a common fixture in our society that we use it without giving it a second thought.  Be honest, have you ever said yourself, “I have no time to use the phone.”?  Email has become a similar commonality in our everyday lives.  Whether we...

A New WordPress Surprise

I am not new to WordPress.  I have been building client sites on the WordPress platform for a number of years.  Yet, every so often something surprises me. I have a client who uses the Featured Content Gallery on three sites.  To use the plug in, you need to use...

Moving Web sites to New Servers

When ever I move a client’s site to our hosting servers, I get myself all worked up. Static sites are not too complex, copy down to local computer and upload to new servers. Database driven sites, like WordPress, always make me a little paranoid.  Wordpress...

The Rules of Engagement

As we close the door on 2010 and open to 2011, I have a thought I’d like to share… There are still a lot of people doing it wrong. They are using social media as a platform to yell, blast and spam out their goods and services.  At no time do they explain...

Facebook Places and Deals

Have you claimed your business on Facebook yet? It’s fairly simple.  Search for your business and select the one with the pin next to it When you get to the Places Page – click on “Is this your business?” And verify you are a legal...