Group Your Facebook Friends

Facebook allows you to have up to 5,000 friends.  That is a lot of people to keep track of and engage.  To make you life easier, group friends into categories or lists that are manageable. Go to your profile page, click on your friends list and then select “New...

Why Giants Fall

    The news is littered with the potential demise of the icons of corporate America.  Citigroup, GM, and the like have fallen pray to the financial markets, economic uncertainty, the “recession”…. or have they?  Here is the question I pose… Where is the...

The Birth of an Idea

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about new products, services and web sites.  Last night, I grabbed my laptop and sat in front of the fire with Seth Godin’s Tribes playing in the background and just brainstormed.  I have seven ideas and I like them all.  I...