by Melissa Ward | Marketing, Social Media Markeing
There are millions of pages online, why should anyone bother reading yours? You have opinions, you have had experiences, and you have thoughts and passions… but honestly who cares? Why should you waste your precious time sharing any of that with anyone? Let’s think...
by Melissa Ward | Social Media Markeing
A must read post by Seth Godin for all of my not-for-profit clients I’m sick of apologizing for being in charge of raising money. I work at a great nonprofit organization (1) that is doing great things in the world, one that’s attacking daunting problems in a...
by Melissa Ward | Social Media Markeing
This still blows me away!
by Melissa Ward | Business Development, Marketing, Social Media Markeing
According to Wikipedia: Crowdsourcing is a neologism (a word not yet accepted by the mainstream) for the act of taking a task traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people, in the form of an...
by Melissa Ward | Marketing
In the words of Seth Godin: Honestly, I can’t say it any better then this 🙂 Check out Seth’s new book: Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us