How to Write a Blog

One of the most frequent questions I hear is “How do I start a blog?”

There are many places online to start up a blog, but that’s not where you need to start.

The real question you should be asking is, “How do I start a blog that people want to read?”

The most authentic (and popular) blogs are started for personal reasons.  What they grow into organically is the result of the blog author’s ability to be vulnerable and share themselves freely.

Listen to this TED talk from Neil Pasicha, the creator of 1000 Awesome Things and you will understand what I mean.

Today’s TweetableThe most popular blogs grow from the author’s authenticity and ability to make themselves vulnerable

What part of you do you share on your blog?  Leave me a note below.

Stay in the know!

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Melissa is not only inspirational and great business support, but when I've had even the smallest technical issues, even on FB, she was a message or phone call away. Nice to have willing ears, to listen and even better when they can translate and communicate, clearly. Can't be taught.

Maria Bortugno, B Designs Interiors

Melissa is a steady business partner who adds knowledage and strength to any organization. She is a pleasure to work with. She encourages you and brings so much social media and web knowledge. If you are unsure of your website, ask Melissa!

Melissa O’Reilly

Melissa manages my company website, and has for several years now. She's very easy to deal with, very fair in her pricing, knows exactly what she's doing, and provides excellent web design services consistently and reliably.

Nancy Baum Delain, Esq