Facebook Places and Deals

Have you claimed your business on Facebook yet?

It’s fairly simple.  Search for your business and select the one with the pin next to it

When you get to the Places Page – click on “Is this your business?”

And verify you are a legal representative of the company.

From there you fill out a form with all the business contact information, address, web site, email, phone number, third party review site (such as Yelp), etc.  Facebook also requires a utility bill or something with the Company Name on it and the address you listed.

Once that information is submitted, Facebook will send you an email confirming the information has been received and will send another once it’s all verified.

When Facebook considers your business “legit” you can set up a “Deal” if you are in the Beta area.  Facebook Deals are similar to Four-Square rewards.  You can give rewards based on number of check ins, number of people checking in with you and other combinations.

There are four types of deals:

  1. Individual: Check in and receive 10% of any purchase
  2. Friend:  Check in with 5 friends and each will receive a free scarf
  3. Loyalty:  Check in 10 times to get a $10 coupon (this is a biggie)
  4. Charity:  Check in and we will donate $5 to the Ronald McDonald House

A visitor checks into your place of business on Facebook, and the Facebook Deals coupon will show up on their phone.  The visitor shows the cashier the coupon and gets their discount, free goodies, OR you donate a % to charity.

You can set rules and restrictions on the Deal.

  • Limit the number of Deals available (the first 50 check in’s get the deal)
  • Set a time frame for the Deal (Only available Nov 1 – 30)
  • Set Repeat Claims:  Only for the First check in, Only once every 24 hours, etc

Facebook will review the deal and approve it (or not) in 48 hours.

Once approved, you can share the deal on your Facebook page and send it to your connections.

For more details on Facebook Deals, check out this video :  http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10100163069768683

The bigger Social Networking sites get, the more local they become.

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Melissa Ward: Melissa can often be found at the front of a room giving a presentation or hands on training session in one of many areas of Social Media Marketing. Melissa's role is to train businesses how to use Social Media Sites (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube, etc), to get into the “conversation” with the right audience. She also creates and implements Social Media Marketing Strategies on behalf of her clients.
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