Melissa Ward

What does your LinkedIn Profile say about You?

Image via CrunchBase Take a good look at your profile and at the profile of some of your friends.  Does…

How is Social Networking going to benefit my Business?

During yesterday’s seminar one theme that kept cropping up is “How is this going to benefit my business?”  The key…

You think you are selling what? Think again!

Regardless as to the product or service you think you are selling, the reality is you are selling trust.  Yup...…

New Year’s Resolutions (meme it in style)

I have been tagged by Alex T. Silverstein @AlexSilverstein of http://www.unifieddigital.com/ to display my New Years Resolutions for the people I…

Merry Christmas to all – celebrating the season of Change

Tis the season of tradition and change!  The girls were all excited this morning, opening presents, giving me mine –…

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