Categories: Marketing

New Year’s Resolutions (meme it in style)

I have been tagged by Alex T. Silverstein @AlexSilverstein of http://www.unifieddigital.com/ to display my New Years Resolutions for the people I tag to read.  If I have tagged you – feel free to keep the line going along. (You can see his post here http://www.unifieddigital.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38:new-years-resolutions&catid=1:latest-posts

In 2009 – I will

  1. Provide more people with beneficial information
  2. Communicate effectively in all areas of my life
  3. Roll out my new product ideas
  4. Set up and implement a solid marketing program for Renttropolis
  5. Stick to the budget
  6. Get more speaking gigs
  7. Create an enviornement that helps me focus more
  8. Build up our solid support team
  9. Play more
  10. Remember to laugh more 🙂

I have tagged @MotoSuperstore @prosperitygal @marykw 🙂  (add your post links in the comments here)


Melissa Ward: Melissa can often be found at the front of a room giving a presentation or hands on training session in one of many areas of Social Media Marketing. Melissa's role is to train businesses how to use Social Media Sites (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube, etc), to get into the “conversation” with the right audience. She also creates and implements Social Media Marketing Strategies on behalf of her clients.
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