Group Your Facebook Friends

Facebook allows you to have up to 5,000 friends.  That is a lot of people to keep track of and engage.  To make you life easier, group friends into categories or lists that are manageable.

Go to your profile page, click on your friends list and then select “New List”.  (* Note – I have problems with this in IE7, it locks up –  use Firefox)  Type in a name for your list and hit enter.  Then go through your list of friends and add them to this new list.  Do this as many times as you feel necessary. I have a list for “Social” friends, Clients, my daughter and her friends, my Rotary people, among others.

When you go to your home page, you can click the drop down on the right hand side and view the river for only those people on a particular list. 

The additional benefit is that you can set specific privacy settings for lists.  My daughter and her friends do not need to see all my networking, so I limit what items they see in my activity river. 


Give it a try!  Leave me a comment and let me know how you make out.

Melissa Ward: Melissa can often be found at the front of a room giving a presentation or hands on training session in one of many areas of Social Media Marketing. Melissa's role is to train businesses how to use Social Media Sites (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube, etc), to get into the “conversation” with the right audience. She also creates and implements Social Media Marketing Strategies on behalf of her clients.
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