Social Media Markeing

The Creation of Community

It’s easy to talk about the mechanics of marketing yourself online.  The “how to’s” in setting up profile pages, twitter…

Did you lose your Facebook Fan Page list?

Many users have noticed that their Facebook Fan page list has vanished from their INFO tab.  The list of pages…

7 tips to manage your Facebook Fan Page

Like anything else regarding social media marketing, the key in having a successful Facebook fan page is engagement.  What can…

This is why we are Entrepreneurs!

Great viral marketing ad... but an outstanding message just the same.   This video originally crossed my path on Twitter but I was…

How to Create a Custom Facebook Fan Page

You've seen one fan page, you've seen them all - right?  Wrong. Facebook Fan pages can be customized to give…

A Social Media Experiment – Your Thoughts?

A Social Media Experiment. On all of the social media sites I can be found on I have a photo…

Facebook Fan Pages News Feed

Did you know that at the bottom of the page of your newsfeed (Home Page) was this: Click on "See…

7 Non-negotiable Social Networking Rules

1)  Profiles are Personal - Facebook, LinkedIn, etc... profiles are about you.  Use a picture of yourself, talk about yourself,…

The NEW Facebook Fan Page

The first thing you need to know about the new Facebook Fan Pages is that they are open to the…

Get Yourself a Facebook Badge

Many of my seminar participants wonder how to "advertise" their Facebook profile.  Luckily Facebook makes it very easy to spread…